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Story of Smokey

Explore Smokey Bear’s History

Smokey Bear leans on his mailbox and reads a letter.

Since 1944, Smokey’s been working hard to inspire Americans to prevent wildfires. Follow his history here through memorabilia and print, radio and TV messages.

2000: Ranger & Deer Radio Commercial
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2001: Posters
A poster depicts a bird's nest and reads 'The only fire insurance this home has is you."
2001: Posters
A poster depicts a match box and substitutes the matches for trees. It reads "Think before you strike."
2004: Posters
A poster of fingers wrapped in Band-Aids reads "Be careful!"
2004: Posters
A poster of a shovel wrapped like a birthday present to honor Smokey Bear's birthday.
2004: Posters
A poster of trees in a forest reads "Unfortunately, they can't run for their lives."
2004: Posters
A poster depicting a forest reads "The most dangerous animals in the forest don't live here."
2004: Posters
A poster asks to insert your name and pledge that "Only [Name] can insert wildfires."